The Roman Catholic Community of Saint Thomas Aquinas & Holy Family. Two churches - Joining as ONE Family - Together in Love.

Friday, August 03, 2007

The Virgin Mary - Queen of Peace

Da pacem Dómine in diébus nostris:
quia non est álius qui pugnet pro nobis, nisi tu Deus noster.

Give us every day Your peace, Lord:
for there is no one else who would defend us but You, our God.
Patroness of El Salvador
pray for us.

Although, Our Lady of Peace is the patroness of the Hawaiian Islands -- Santa Fe, NM and El Salvador, the title of Our Lady of Peace is not too well defined. It appears normally as the title of “Queen of Peace” for which the Church has a special Mass -- “Missa Beata Maria Virgo Regina Pacis”.

Mary is the Immaculate Conception, a person at peace with herself and with God. There are many papal encyclicals asking Mary to intercede for peace.

The Collection of Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary contains a Mass (for ordinary times) devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace. In this Mass there is detailed the reasons why Mary is called the Queen of Peace. She is the Mother of the “Prince of Peace” (see the Introit) who reconciled heaven and earth (see Communion). She was standing at the foot of the cross where Christ merited peace for the whole world. At Pentecost Mary prayed for the Spirit of Peace (see the Preface). She is our intercessor with God to obtain the Spirit of Love, Unity and Reconciliation (see the Collect & Communion).

In 1917 Pope Benedict XV added the advocation “Queen of Peace” to the Litany of Loreto.

Join our Parish Novena in honor of OUR LADY, QUEEN OF PEACE. This Novena will be celebrated from August 6th, 2007 to August 14th, 2007 -- After the daily 7 a.m. & 12:15 p.m. Masses. Please join with us in praying this Novena.


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